Artists Collaborations

Artists Collaborations

Collaborations with artists is a commitment which Inan Isik, believes to be a vital part of her work. Changing and uplifting the perception of women bodies, are essential. By combining the arts and our bodies, we can shape how we perceive and think. Our bodies are more than bodies, but reflect and tell a story of life and sensations. Art and emotions are closely intertwined, with the possibility to channel and create new experiences. Opening the eyes and mind of others, expressing how plus size bodies are to be sought after and admired. Exhibiting women bodies is natural, proclaiming self-love.

This collaboration features Danish designer, Christine Lindgreen.

Capturing emotions and authenticity is how Christine seeks to engage. The fast paced environment of our society, calls for time to reflect and recognize seminal moments. It is in these moments Christine channels her art. Her vision for this collaboration, seeks to capture these bodies by sharing her dynamic and fleeting visuals. The colors and inspiration come from within, creating a cathartic release. She allows her hands to interpret and capture her emotions while seizing the moment of creativity.

”My drive is the unknown and unexplored - you never know how a piece will turn out or what you might find.” - Christine Lindgreen.  


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